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RPC for Java/General

When I try to run jrpcgen on my x file or one of your sample files, I get the following error message: Jrpcgen: "cl/C/EP/nologo" failed: CreateProcess
Will the Distinct version of rpcgen allow me to use C-style remote procedure signatures (like the Sun -N command-line option)?
Which RFCs does the Distinct ONC RPC/XDR for Java support?
Does Distinct ONC RPC for Java support RPCBIND?
Will Distinct ONC RPC/XDR for Java work on any Java platform?
If I write a client in Java will I be able to interoperate with my C server?
When I run your sample or compile my application that uses your Java classes I get the error: "Class not found". Why?
When I try to run jrpcgen on my x file or one of your sample files, I get the following error message: Jrpcgen V3.0, Copyright 1997-1999 by Distinct Corporation, Jrpcgen: "cl/C/EP/nologo" failed: CreateProcess
Does Distinct ONC RPC for Java support secure RPC?
When is Distinct ONC RPC/XDR for Java a better choice than RMI and Why?
Does Distinct Java RPC support the XDR ""hyper"" and ""unsigned hyper"" types.
What do I need to add to my classpath to use the toolkit?
How do I install the client run time?
Using your trial version, I am able to generate java classes from an .x file using Jrpcgen. When I try to run the server I get following exception. [java] Exception in thread ""main"" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no dstnct32 in java.library.path
How do you send double-byte CHAR with your JRPC library?

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