Can the terminal program allow read/write of data into Microsoft Excel? Yes, here's some sample code that should help you with this. This macro takes all the text from Intellitem's session and puts it into cell (1,1) of the current worksheet:
Sub test()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
crlf = Chr(13) + Chr(10)
iChanNum = DDEInitiate("ITERM", "1")
iNumRows = DDERequest(iChanNum, "Rows")(1)
iNumCols = DDERequest(iChanNum, "Columns")(1)
data = ""
If iChanNum Then
For Row = 1 To iNumRows
request = "P" + Mid(Str(1 + ((Row - 1) * iNumCols)), 2) + "L" + LTrim(Str(iNumCols))
request = request + crlf
r = DDERequest(iChanNum, request)(1)
data = data + r
Next Row
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = data
Else 'could not open session
MsgBox "Could not open DDE Session with program."
End If
DDETerminate iChanNum
End Sub