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What's the difference between the Send and the EasySend methods in the SMTP Object?
EasySend, as its name implies, is the easiest way you will ever send email messages through a programming API. A single call connects to the SMTP server, builds the SMTP header, and sends the message taking care of encoding any non-text messages or attachments. Send allows customization of header fields and sending of messages using different encoding types.

Connects and disconnects automatically but will also operate on an open connection.Must first connect
Message header can contain only the following fields: from, to, cc, bcc, subject and content-type.Any SMTP header field can be added to the file including custom header fields. (through the MIME object)

Body and header of message are not encoded
You can encode the header and message body. (through the MIME object)

All attachments are automatically encoded in 'Quoted Printable' format, which is a standard mode of encoding.
Attachments can be encoded using Quoted Printable, Base64, Binhex or Uuencoded by calling the MIME object directly.

You do not have to call the MIME object, EasySend makes all the encoding requests
You must first build your email message with the MIME object then pass it to the SMTP object to send it.

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